So much happens in the adolescent years that shape our identity for life. Questions about morals and values surface and conclusions are drawn from life's experiences.
Truth is, there's a lot of growing up that occurs in the teen years. Because of that, it's vital for kids to have a safe place to share, dialogue, and think through these things.
Element is one of these safe places for teens.
We want to walk through life with students from 9th through 12th grade.
We want to build relationships and show kids the love that Jesus has to offer each of them.
We want to create environments where students can explore and learn who God is and what role Jesus plays in their lives.
In these environments, we hope to see teens come to embrace their own faith and begin the journey of following Christ and living for His Kingdom.
Element currently meets every Sunday morning at 10:30am except for the first Sunday of the month.
In addition to our Element ministry we, as a church, are actively partnering with our area's local Young Life ministry.
We are currently going through the book "Jesus and your image" with our youth

Today’s teenagers are brand managers—and they are the brand. With every selfie, every Instagram post, every TikTok, they shape how they are perceived. For better or worse, they are extremely image-conscious. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But what does this idea of image control have to do with being a Christ-follower? Good thing Jesus had a ton to say about this.
​This bible study aims to guide students to learning four essential truths about their image:
That "denying themselves' means their image is to be driven more by who God is and less by who they are
That they don’t have to hide their brokenness from God or the world
That no matter how they try and control how they are perceived, they are ultimately known by their actions
That it’s a mistake to let their concern for their image get in the way of their devotion to Jesus

Valley View Community Church gathers at the Sunnyside property.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 for informal, contemporary worship, relevant Bible teaching, and our Valley Kids children's ministry.