A loving place where kids experience
Community, know the love of Jesus, and
reflect that love to their world.
​Valley Kids meets during the 10:30 a.m. worship gathering for infants through 8th grade.
A group of dedicated, energetic, and fun-loving volunteers provides a safe, age-appropriate environment for children to learn of and experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
Your children are going to LOVE Valley Kids!

We currently use the orange curriculum in our children ministries.

The Orange curriculum believes that two combined influences make a greater impact than just two individual influences.
The Church + Home = Greater Impact
Light (yellow) + Love (red) = Orange
We believe that parents or guardians are the most important spiritual influencers in a child’s life and we actively participate and come alongside you in order to lead your children towards knowing and loving Jesus. If you want to learn more about the Orange curriculum check out their website here.
How does Valley Kids work?
Valley Kids provides classes for infants through 6th grade at the 10:30 a.m.. gathering. All the kids’ rooms have signs with ages or grades so you know right where to go. Also, anyone with a name tag can help point you in the right direction.
Once they are dropped off we have a great team ready to lead your kids in age-specific high-energy worship. After learning about that month's theme through a skit and teaching the kids will break out into their classrooms by grade/age for small group time.
Infants and toddlers
We have a specific room for infants and toddlers, filled with volunteers who love to hold babies and play with kids. They’ll make sure your child has a great time while you’re in the worship gathering. You can drop your infants and toddlers off as soon as you enter the building or at any time during the worship gathering if they get a bit fussy.
Safety is our first concern
A group of dedicated, fun-loving, and background-checked volunteers provides a completely safe, age-appropriate environment for your children to learn and experience the love of Jesus. All children are checked-in as you enter the building before you take them back to their classes.
Your child will get a sticker name tag and you will get a corresponding sticker/ticket which you will need to pick up your child in their room at the end of the gathering. You can drop your kids off as soon as you enter the building and will check them in with our Child Check-In software. Check-ins are located in the Kid's Worship Room.

​Valley View Community Church gathers at the Sunnyside property.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 for informal, contemporary worship, relevant Bible teaching, and our Valley Kids children's ministry.