Valley View Community Church embraces the tenants of the historic Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles Creed. We value diversity in our community which is represented by a variety of faith backgrounds and Christian traditions. We believe that God's dream is to bring heaven to earth one day as reflected in the Lord's prayer, and are committed to advancing the Dream of God.
ChildrenChildren We have a specific room for infants and toddlers, filled with volunteers who love to hold babies and play with kids. They’ll make sure your child has a great time while you’re in the worship gathering. You can drop your infants and toddlers off as soon as you enter the building or at any time during the worship gathering if they get a bit fussy.
KidsKids Once they are dropped off we have a great team ready to lead your kids in age-specific high-energy worship. After learning about that month's theme through a skit and teaching, the kids will break into their classrooms by grade/age for small group interactive time.
YouthYouth Element (9th-12th) are dismissed after worshiping with the adults. All the kids’ rooms are labeled with ages or grades so you know right where to go. Also, anyone with a name tag or a Valley Kids shirt can help point you in the right direction. Your children are going to LOVE Valley Kids!
SafetySafety is our first concern. A group of dedicated, fun-loving, and background-checked volunteers provide a completely safe, age-appropriate environment for your children to learn and experience the love of Jesus. You can drop your kids off in the Kids Check-In Room as soon as you enter the building. We'll register them with our Child Check-In software. Your child will get a sticker name tag and you'll receive a corresponding sticker/ticket which you'll need to pick up your child in their room at the end of the gathering.
Worshipping in Spirit and Truth
Worship is what God seeks from his people. In our community, worship is a priority. Spirit-directed worship recognizes that the Holy Spirit is the one who focuses our attention on God. In our community, worship is a priority as we seek to connect to the Father's heart in an intentional time of worship together as a church family. A regular encounter with God and His presence is essential for the church to fulfill its mission. We were created to worship and magnify the name of Jesus. We believe He meets each of us where we're at during worship as we praise Him for His goodness, thank Him for His faithfulness, and we invite Him to do His work in us and through us.
[Psalm 100 / Psalm 150 / John 4:23-24 / Romans 12:1-2 / Revelation 4]
The Scriptures Transforming our Lives
We believe God inspired the words of scripture by his Spirit to speak to people of all generations, including us today. God calls us to immerse ourselves in His word both individually and as a community. The Holy Spirit is our resident teacher and enables us to discover truth from the Bible that can transform our lives. We realize God has also provided gifted teachers who communicate the Word of God clearly, accurately, and practically. We take the scriptures seriously and strive to apply them diligently, recognizing that the goal of all Bible study is love.
[John 16:13 / 1 Corinthians 2:12 / 1 Corinthians 13 / Ephesians 4:11-13 / 2 Timothy 2:15 / 2 Timothy 3:16 / James 1:22]
Love Connecting us to God and Others
Love God. Love people. Nothing else matters. Jesus says that love is the mark of his followers. We are to love others the way Jesus loves us. Humility and brokenness are essential to becoming a better lover of God and of one another. The more we grow in our relationship with Jesus, the more we are amazed at the depth of his love and grace. We are called to love others gracefully, to love without boundaries, to love those who wrong us, to love those who have different beliefs than us, to love even our enemies. Through that love, we hope to reveal Jesus to the world.
[Matthew 5:43-48 / Matthew 22:37-40 / John 13:35 / Galatians 5:6 / 1 Peter 5:5-6 / 1 John 4:7-21]
Serving According to our Design
The church does not exist for us. We are the church and we exist to be a blessing to the world. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus and be a remedy for our broken world. We believe the church is at its best when it serves, sacrifices, loves and cares about all the things God cares about. We recognize that God has made each of us different. Every person has a unique combination of gifts, talents, and resources. When our life reflects the person that God made us to be we find ourselves especially effective and fulfilled in serving others.
[Mark 10:45 / John 13:14 / Romans 12:17-21 / 1 Corinthians 12 / Philippians 2:1-11 / 1 Peter 4:10-11]
Mission Impacting our World
Jesus did not come to this earth to start a new religion. His goal was not to fill up our time with religious activities to keep us out of trouble. The message of Jesus was all about the Kingdom of Heaven - God's dream for this world. We believe God's dream for this world is to restore all things and bring heaven to earth. Our desire is to join in this mission right now by impacting our world. We believe the church was made to engage the culture. We feel called to create relevant bridges for people to encounter Jesus so their lives can be transformed through faith in Him.
[Matthew 4:17 / Matthew 5:13-16 / Matthew 19:28-30 / Matthew 28:18-20 / John 3:16 / Revelation 21:1-8]
Prayer Empowering all that We Do
Prayer is abiding. Prayer is deep intimacy with the Godhead - Father, Son, Holy Spirit (identity). Jesus did nothing apart from the Father. He spoke and did what He heard His Father speaking and doing. He did nothing on His own authority. We labor in vain without first praying and discerning our Lord's heart for how He desires His story to unfold in and through us, to where the Lord is leading us (vision) and for how we are to labor (mission). Hearing His voice is absolutely vital to our life and purpose.
[Proverbs 7:24 / Psalms 28:1 / Psalms 127:1 / Isaiah 55:11 / John 8:28 / John 12:49 / John 15:5]